Saturday Driving Exams Available on August 5, 2017
Scott Lunsford, Escambia County Tax Collector, is excited to again offer Saturday driving exams for busy families on August 5, 2017. Testing will be available by appointment only beginning at 8 a.m. at our Marcus Pointe location, 6451 North “W” Street. “Our first Saturday road testing was successful, so I am happy to provide this…
New Freshwater Fishing Regulations Available
The 2017-2018 edition of the Florida Freshwater Fishing Regulations is available. Be sure to check out the Conservation Highlights article, which provides updates on FWC activities throughout the state and lists Florida’s Top Spots for our most popular fish species! Visit for more information.
Safe Summer Travel
Traveling throughout Florida can be nearly as fun as getting to your destination. During the holiday and vacation seasons, Florida’s roads can be some of the busiest in the country. The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is committed to the safety of all motorists on our roads and educating everyone on safe driving…