Order Information

If you would like to order any of this artwork, please have the artwork identification number and click here to order from our partner, DPrint. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.

Thank you for your support of the Kids Tag Art program and art education in Escambia County.

If you are experiencing difficulty in placing your tag order, please contact our office by email at ectc@escambiataxcollector.com.

Each school’s entire 2018-2019 Kids Tag Art submissions coming soon.

Choice Award Winners

These two entries were selected by Tax Collector Scott Lunsford and Superintendent Malcolm Thomas as the top entries for the 2018-2019 school year. Congratulations to Amelia from Bailey Middle School (Tax Collector Choice Award) and Daniel from Washington High School (Superintendent Choice Award) on their awards.

Elementary School Award of Distinction Winners

These entries were selected as the top entries for each participating elementary school.

Middle School Award of Distinction Winners

These entries were selected as the top entries for each participating middle school.

High School Award of Distinction Winners

These entries were selected as the top entries for each participating high school.