2014 Tax Roll Will Be Open for Collection November 1, 2014
2014 Tax Roll Will Be Open for Collection November 1, 2014 PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT Released: October 27, 2014 COLLECTION OF 2014 TAXES BEGINS NOVEMBER 1 Janet Holley, Escambia County Tax Collector, announces that collection of the 2014 real estate and tangible personal property taxes will begin November 1. This year’s rolls include 177,000 accounts totaling…
Changes for Panhandle (Zone D) Hunting This Fall
Expect changes for hunting zones A, D this fall Outta’ the Woods Friday, August 01, 2014Media contact: Tony Young, 850-488-7867Source: FL FWC If you hunt in Zone D, there are several major changes this year to fall hunting regulations that you need to know about. And, if your hunting spot was in the northern portion…
2014-2015 Florida Hunting Season Dates
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has announced the 2014-15 hunting season dates.
Kids Tag Art Winners Announced
Janet Holley, Escambia County Tax Collector, Malcolm Thomas, Escambia County Superintendent of Schools, and Sandy Sansing, the program’s major sponsor, are pleased to announce the winners of the first annual Kids Tag Art program in Escambia County. For more information on the Kids Tag Art program, to order a plate, or for sponsorship information, click…
National School Bus Safety Week is October 20-24, 2014
Florida joins other states across the country to observe National School Bus Safety Week on Oct. 20-24, 2014. The special week commemorates the safe service that school buses provide to families, as they provide one of the safest modes of transportation for children. According to a Florida Department of Education survey conducted in April 2012,…
Offices Closed Columbus Day, October 13
Our offices will be closed Columbus Day, Monday, October 13. Many tax collector services are available online at www.EscambiaTaxCollector.com; 24-hour drop boxes are available at all locations. We will re-open our normal business hours Tuesday, October 14, at 8:30 a.m.