All Portofino Account Information Has Been Updated on the Website as of 4/12/13 Per Court Order
All Portofino account information has been updated on this website as of 4/12/13, per court order.
DHSMV Warns of Email Spam
The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles warns the public to be aware of an email spam that surfaced this morning. For more information about this spam warning click here
Pay 2012 Real Estate and Tangible Personal Property Taxes Before Close of Business April 30 to Avoid Being Advertised as Delinquent
Ms. Holley reminds you that all 2012 unpaid real estate and tangible personal property taxes must be paid and receipted by close of business on April 30 to avoid being advertised as delinquent. Click here to read the entire public service announcement.
DHSMV Warns Customers of Imitation Websites
The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles warns the public about deceptive websites that pretend to be the official DHSMV website to lure people into paying unnecessary fees. Some official-looking websites require their customers to pay a surcharge for their assistance, while others advertise non-government services and provide outdated or inaccurate information. The…
New Tags Available to Veterans of Vietnam War and Korean Conflict
Two new military service-related license plates now are available to veterans of the Vietnam War and the Korean Conflict. The plates only are available to eligible veterans; the fees are the same as regular license plates and require no extra fees to obtain them. To obtain one of these new plates, complete the Application for…
License-free Fishing in Florida’s Fresh Waters April 6
Take advantage of license-free fishing Saturday, April 6, in Florida’s fresh waters Click here for press release from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
2012 Property Taxes Become Delinquent April 1
Have you paid your real estate and/or tangible personal property taxes yet? If not, Janet Holley, Escambia County Tax Collector, reminds you that all unpaid taxes will be delinquent April 1. A penalty of 3% for real estate and 1 1/2% for tangible taxes will be assessed. Over $31 million (approximately 13%) of the tax…