If you hold a voucher for a specialty license plate that is now available for sale, follow these instructions to redeem your pre-sale voucher.
If you have not purchased a pre-sale voucher, you may purchase a specialty license plate here.
If you purchased a pre-sale voucher, your voucher is being held electronically in the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles database under your name and driver license number. If you purchased the voucher for someone else, the voucher is being held under the recipient’s name and driver license number.
If you have purchased a pre-sale voucher, please read the following information and follow the link below.
Redeeming a voucher will require a license plate replacement fee of $36.90, as mandated by Florida laws, in addition to the previously-paid voucher fee. For motorists who have previously purchased a two year registration, the fee may be $66.90 depending on the remaining duration of the registration. If an applicant’s registration is being renewed at the same time as the voucher redemption, the replacement fee will be added to the renewal. Motorists should bring their proof of Florida insurance when redeeming their voucher.
You may purchase online! Our specialty plate site will display a higher price that does not account for your voucher purchase. If you buy online, our agent can apply your voucher when they issue the plate. Once your voucher is applied, your payment will process for $30 less than the price shown online. We are able to see your voucher when processing. However, you may email us at ectc@EscambiaTaxCollecter.com at the time of purchase with any questions or to confirm your voucher status.
For personalized license plate inquiries, email us at ectc@EscambiaTaxCollector.com.
Here is a common scenario: (for illustration purposes only)
Your current annual registration (your yellow decal renewal) is 46.10.
You purchased a pre-sale voucher for $30.00.
Option A:
You replace the plate while your registration is still current:
Approximate fee to replace: 36.90 (License plate replacement fee plus branch fee)
Option B:
Your registration is up for renewal:
Approximate fee 46.10 + 28.00 (license plate replacement) = $74.10
*If your tag is up for a mandatory replacement (every ten years), the $28.00 would not apply.
Once you have made the switch to the specialty plate, your annual fee for future years might be 76.10 (46.10 plus the 30.00). The extra fees go to the sponsoring organization to support their mission.
Most private vehicle registrations, excluding trucks, are 28.10, 36.10, or 46.10 annually.
Online transactions will incur a postage fee to account for shipping costs.