Renewal Period Ends September 30
Do you own a business in Escambia County?
Janet Holley, Escambia County Tax Collector, announces that it’s time for business owners to renew their business tax receipts (BTRs). Ms. Holley mailed out 23,125 renewal notices July 28. The renewal cycle ends September 30. Business owners can renew through this date, after which time delinquent penalties will be assessed.
You are encouraged to renew your business tax receipt online; however, other options are available, such as payment by mail, by phone (convenience fee applies), and in person at any of the three convenient tax collector offices. Drive through service and drop box are available at all locations.
Applications and information for business tax receipts are available at If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please click here or call 850-438-6500 x3252.
Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM
213 Palafox Place
6451 North W Street
6440 Highway 95-A North, Suite A
All tax collector offices will be closed
for the holiday Monday, September 7.