Current office status and available transactions
Many questions can be answered on our website. Visit our A to Z section to search for your specific issue.
Downtown Office – OPEN
213 Palafox Place, Pensacola, FL 32502
Available transactions:
- Driver license and identification card – new and renewals
- Title transactions
- Birth certificates
Drive-thru available
Marcus Pointe Office – OPEN
6451 North “W” Street, Pensacola, FL 32505
Available transactions:
- Driver license and identification card – new and renewals
- Title transactions
- Birth certificates
Drive-thru available
Warrington Office – OPEN
4065 Barrancas Avenue, Suite A, Pensacola, FL 32507
Available transactions:
- Driver license and identification card – new and renewals
- Concealed Weapon – new applications (by appointment) and renewals
- Title transactions
- Birth certificates
NO Drive-thru available
Molino Office – OPEN
6440 Highway 95-A North, Suite A, Molino, FL 32577
Available transactions:
- Driver license and identification card – new and renewals
- Concealed Weapon – new applications (by appointment) and renewals
- Title transactions
- Birth certificates
Drive-thru available