What is ID GO?
ID GO is a mobile identification card solution provided by the Escambia County Tax Collector. It is intended to help facility-bound individuals who are physically unable to visit an office but need to acquire a Florida Identification Card.
Who may be a candidate?
Persons who are severely disabled, receiving long-term care, or end-of-life care and who need a Florida Identification Card.
We will screen the applicant to ensure that identity document requirements can be met. In addition, we will attempt to offer online solutions if possible.
How does the program work?
A family member, care provider, or long-term care facility identifies a person who may benefit from the ID GO service and contacts our office using the contact information below. Staff members will visit the person, capture a photo and signature, and coordinate printing the card. Document requirements have not been waived for this service, but our staff will work to resolve any issues prior to issuance.
Who should I contact for more information?
Complete the form below for more information.