Renew Business Tax Receipts Now!

Business Tax Receipt (BTR) renewal notices were mailed August 1, 2016. Businesses can renew their BTRs between now and September 30. After September 30, penalties will be added. Online payments can be made here. Paying online is easy and secure and there is no wait time. E-checks and credit cards are accepted. Businesses also can…

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) will concentrate its enforcement efforts on drunk driving as part of the national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign that began on August 19 and runs through Labor Day. FHP will join law enforcement and highway safety agencies across the nation to remove impaired drivers from roadways in an…

FWC wants YOUR input!

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission staff have drafted proposed rule changes for hunting and wildlife management areas that would impact 2017 hunting seasons. Please click the link below to view proposed rule changes and provide your feedback: