DHSMV Reminds Motorists to Focus on Driving, Florida
Throughout the month of April, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) is reminding motorists to fully focus on driving and not drive distracted. DHSMV is partnering with the Florida Department of Transportation, Florida Sheriffs Association, Florida Police Chiefs Association, Florida SADD and the Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition to commemorate April…
National Donate Life Month
Register as an organ and tissue donor today at www.DonateLifeFlorida.org During the month of April, the Escambia County Tax Collector’s Office is teaming up with Donate Life Florida to raise awareness of the life-saving role residents of Escambia County can play by registering as an organ, tissue and eye donor. During National Donate Life Month,…
National Child Abuse Prevention Month
In honor of National Child Abuse Prevention Month, we are featuring the “Stop Child Abuse” specialty license plate. The proceeds from the sale of this plate go to Children’s Home Society of Florida and Florida Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers. These groups encourage all individuals and organizations to play a role in making Escambia County…
April is Autism Awareness Month
In honor of National Autism Month, we are featuring the “Support Autism Programs” specialty license plate. The proceeds from the sale of this plate go to Achievement and Rehabilitation Centers, Inc. (www.arcbroward.com). National Autism month promotes autism awareness, inclusion and self-determination for all, and assures that each person with ASD is provided the opportunity to…
License Free Fishing Days
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission provides license-free fishing days which provide an excellent opportunity for parents who don’t yet have licenses to take youth fishing, or avid anglers to introduce a friend to fishing without having to purchase a license. On these days, the fishing license requirement is waived for all recreational anglers (residents and…