Business Tax Receipt Renewals Due September 30, 2015
Do you own a business in Escambia County? Janet Holley, Escambia County Tax Collector, reminds all business owners and practicing professionals that September 30 is the deadline for renewing for 2015-2016. After that date, penalties will be added. You are encouraged to renew your business tax receipt online; however, other opportunities are available, such as…
Time for Business Owners to Renew Their Business Tax Receipts
Renewal Period Ends September 30 Do you own a business in Escambia County? Janet Holley, Escambia County Tax Collector, announces that it’s time for business owners to renew their business tax receipts (BTRs). Ms. Holley mailed out 23,125 renewal notices July 28. The renewal cycle ends September 30. Business owners can renew through this…
Limited Bear Hunt Begins October 24, 2015
Attention Florida Hunters! In June 2015, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission approved a limited bear hunt to take place beginning October 24, 2015 in four of the state’s seven Bear Management Units (BMUs). The purpose of reinstating a bear hunting season is to stabilize expanding bear populations in different parts of the state…
Saltwater License-Free Fishing Day September 5
Saturday, September 5, 2015, is a saltwater license-free fishing day in Florida! Free fishing days provide an excellent opportunity for parents who don’t yet have licenses to take youth fishing, or for avid anglers to introduce a friend to fishing without having to purchase a license. On these days, the fishing license requirement is waived for…
Offices Closed for Labor Day Monday, September 7
Our offices will be closed Monday, September 7, to observe Labor Day. All locations will reopen Tuesday, September 8, our normal business hours.